Psycho Killer Room @ TimeTrap – Budapest, Hungary

Opting to do the psycho killer room over the prison break room gave me a sense of apprehension about this game. Definitely NOT a fan of the gruesome Saw films I much prefer creepy and spooky over terror. Our game host played his part very well, advising us to prepare for either a very exciting 60 minutes or the final 60 minutes of our lives. Ushered into a dark, damp room our challenge began, not before being told with a sinister chuckle that there would be no help. I felt slightly lost as in the past I have relied on the help button as a backup. Whilst many of the clues in this game were enjoyably challenging, there were some that didn’t quite add up. Achievable only by sheer dumb luck or extremely keen observation skills we found ourselves stumped on more than one occasion. Help did eventually come through the speaker, though this was at our game host’s will and the language barrier proved a challenge.

Most fun were the gruesome props that added to the atmosphere and I found myself enjoying being scared. At times I had to remind myself to look for clues rather than shriek at the bloody body parts scattered around the room. We made it out of this room in record time. Unfortunately the record was the closest possible to failure at 59 minutes and 59 seconds. Fortunately we DID make it out!

Lots of good feedback following the game, this one is worth a visit, though maybe leave your logic skills at home and bring your glasses!

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